City Serve busy at Saylor Fire

City Serve busy at Saylor Fire

Our Saylor Township Fire Department City Serve Team have had a busy week serving our first responders.  Last Tuesday night they provided pizza and brownies and shared some Spring plants.  Friday night the Team joined the Department in their “Push In” Ceremony for...
City Serve Saylor Township Fire Department

City Serve Saylor Township Fire Department

It was a great evening for our City Serve Team serving Saylor Fire Department.  The Team served hot soup with bread and butter, crackers, and peanut butter.  To celebrate Valentine’s and show our appreciation, we provided individual Valentine cinnamon rolls for each...
New Year at Saylor Township Fire Department

New Year at Saylor Township Fire Department

Our City Serve Team provided appetizers, desserts, and treats to start off the New Year with the Saylor Township Fire Department. The Department answered over 1544 calls last year breaking the previous record the year before. They’re amazing and we are so thankful and...
Dinner for Saylor Township Fire Department

Dinner for Saylor Township Fire Department

Our City Serve Saylor Township Fire Department team provided a roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy along with homemade sides and dessert. The team handed out personalized First Responder Signs to show our appreciation and gratefulness for their service...
We are always thankful for our First Responders

We are always thankful for our First Responders

Our Saylor Township Fire Department City Serve team served dinner to the first responders for their monthly meeting.  In addition to a delicious meal of baked pork chops, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, and rolls, they gave them each a jar of Creamed Honey...
Saylor Township Fire Department Open House

Saylor Township Fire Department Open House

Our Saylor Township Fire Department City Serve Team has been busy.  The team provided dinner to the firefighters and medics on Tuesday, October 3, along with a treat bag as a small gift of appreciation.  The Team also provided brownies and served hotdogs and chips at...
9/11 remembrance at Saylor Fire

9/11 remembrance at Saylor Fire

Our Saylor Township Fire Department City Serve Team provided dinner and dessert last Tuesday.  In remembrance of 9/11 and to thank the Saylor Fire Department for their courage, service, and sacrifice we provided them with thank you gifts including silicone Thin Red...
Saylor Township Fire Department Training

Saylor Township Fire Department Training

Our Saylor Township Fire Department City Serve Team provided doughnuts last Saturday morning for the fire fighters while they were engaged in a house burn training on NE Morningstar Drive.  After the training, City Serve partnered with Stephany Hunter to provide...